Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cycling at East Coast Park

We took the kids out for a 'night cycling' trip early last month at East Coast Park, and rented a kids' sized 16 inch bike with trainer wheels. A brought along her trusty helmet. The last time we were here, she was not yet proficient at working the pedals and had to be pushed along. I wondered at the back of my mind if this trip was going to be similar. We got A started on a pavement away from the cycling track to give her a quick tutorial. Much to our amazement, she picked up the skill really quickly, and before we knew it, we were chasing after her on the main cycling tracks, shouting out to her to slow down.

She did veer off her lane a couple of times, once falling off her bike onto the grass at the side, and another time running right into a bush. You're right if you figured she hadn't mastered the brakes, but we did manage to teach her to put her feet down if she needed to stop.

After about an hour exploring the stretch from Bedok Jetty to the cable ski lagoon, K decided that she too wanted a go. It'll be a while before she gets good at this, and we pushed her around the bike kiosk. Imagine the day these two tots will ride off together into the sunset.

Nothing beats sugarcane drinks and barbecued chicken wings after a hard evening's work.

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